When to use our literature search service and our training services

When doing an assignment it is better to get assistance to complete the literature search, so that you will be empowered to search effectively.

When the search is directly for patient care or service improvement, our literature search service can be used.


If the search is for an academic assignment, it is important that you learn how to search and find information. Please consult your University or college Library for assistance. You can also use our training services and contact your local HSE library.

If the search request is for patient care, clinical audit or service improvement we provide a literature search service.

Health Library Ireland Evidence delivers literature searches and evidence summaries for employees and programmes throughout the HSE to enable evidence-informed decisions at the point of need. We accept questions relating to patient care, service design and quality improvement, policies, procedures, protocols or guidelines, continuing professional development, and formal health research projects such as clinical trials or systematic reviews. We do not accept requests relating to personal academic study. 

We provide 4 different response times depending on the complexity of your question, and level of detail required. Full details are available here.


  • Last Updated Dec 05, 2022
  • Views 64
  • Answered By Thomas Veale

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